
Covmatic is an opensource, high throughput system for COVID19 testing. It is developed by a team of volunteers and partner organizations in Italy. Our technology is freely  available to all the labs in the world who need to efficiently scale testing.

About the project

Covmatic is an open-source, automated system to perform diagnostic Coronavirus tests . Covmatic has been designed to significantly increase the speed and efficiency of COVID-19 testing, enabling labs and health authorities to track the pandemic. All its components and procedures are open-source and available for free through this website.

The system consists of 10 liquid handling robots and 3 qPCR machines, overseen by a cloud-based control software. Each patient sample is automatically tracked through its barcode. The system generates and stores digital records, to comply with regulatory standards.


The system is designed to process thousands of samples in parallel.


We make testing faster thanks to cutting-edge robots and cloud-based software.



This project, its code and its documentation are available to all those who need it, for free.

Take part in this project

Covmatic is entirely run and developed by volunteers. Our code, designs and methods are published in open source on this website. Our goal is to help every lab in the world to dramatically increase COVID-19 testing throughput. We welcome the contributions of volunteers from all over the world – biologists, software engineers, roboticists, and all those who want to help!

Traditional coronavirus testing processes are slow and unreliable – human operators repeat the same tasks thousands of times, and manually type their results in outdated forms. We scaled this process by using 1) advanced robots to perform the tasks, and 2) cloud software to digitally track the samples. This is the future of lab automation, and we’re happy to open-source it to help in the fight against COVID-19!

-Fred Parietti, Co-Founder and CEO, Multiply Labs

This is a pilot project that can be easily replicated, both nationally and internationally. It can be expanded in a modular way, according to the need. The core idea was integrating robotics and digitalization, to accelerate analytical processes and univocally track data, while guaranteeing the reliability of the whole system.

-Josef Nierling, Managing Director, Porsche Consulting Italy

Any questions? Send us a message and we’ll be happy to help!